Principal views of let out production are natural skin of different function, chromic, yuft, rigid developed of skins of large and small raw materials, and also skins of pigs.

The enterprise makes the natural tanning goods of following assortment:


1. A skin lining chromic drum-type dyeing with a natural obverse surface from pork and small raw materials. It is applied basically in shoe branch. Skin of light tones are developed on German technology with application of chemical materials of firm "Tsimmer&Shvarts Gmbh" and dyes "Avelis+Huster Gmbh".

2. A skin for gloves and mittens from pork and small raw materials. The basic consumer - Open Society "Grodno Accent".

3. The skin notions of small skins is applied to manufacture of notions products, covers for books, pictures, etc.

4. The skin yuft for top of footwear from pork and cow’s raw materials intends for manufacturing of working footwear.

5. The skin shorno-sedelnaja from pork and cow’s raw materials is used for manufacturing of bags, belts, small notions products.

6. A skin for a bottom of footwear from horned cattle skins. Consumers – the shoe enterprises, the specialised enterprises for manufacturing of orthopedic footwear.

7. A skin chromic for top of footwear from pork and cow’s raw materials. The basic consumers – the enterprises of shoe branch.

8. A half-finished product - "Wet-blue" for top of footwear, a lining of footwear and notions products from large and pigs raw materials

9. A skin from spelt for top and a footwear lining - for manufacture of the notions products, developed from spelt a layer of skins of pigs and a horned cattle.

10. A shaving tanning.

11. Spelt, half-finished products.

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